The Origin of Brawlers – Devil May Cry (2001)

Devil May Cry

Devil May Cry was initially developed by creator Hideki Kamiya with Team Little Devils, a production group within Capcom’s Production Studio 4. Begun as a sequel in the Resident Evil series, it diverged so radically that the project gained a life of its own. The look and plot of Devil May Cry does not follow the earlier kidnapped girlfriend formula but is more like the survival horror genre of its Resident Evil origins, with gothic imagery and underworld demons. A trip to Spain and the United Kingdom provided photos of statues and masonry that became textures in the game art.

Devil May Cry was made for the PlayStation 2 to show off its highly stylized 3D action. Where many of the early 3-D action games failed, Devil May Cry achieves the fluid, fast paced, reflex-challenging gameplay of earlier 2-D action games.

The excellent animations, beautiful artwork and exciting gameplay resulted in an extremely successful series, the latest being the reboot DmC: Devil May Cry (2013). The Devil May Cry universe has also spawned light novels, a manga series, an anime series, comic adaptations, and an in-progress script to be penned by Kyle Ward.

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